VEF Blog

Titre du blog : L'Amérique vue par Mr Bill Maher
Auteur : Claudiak1973
Date de création : 24-06-2021
posté le 13-01-2022 à 13:45:18

Quelques de Mr Bill Maher sur facebook


Je cite :

Facebook, when it started was not political. It was just about sharing your photographs and talking about who got fat from high school days. It was your high school yearbook come to life. It was humble brags and cat pictures. Then it became arguing with some kid you were in chem lab with about ivermectin or the Supreme Court, or whatever.

And this idea that we have to constantly be arguing politics with everybody — that’s what has to stop. Because when you take the politics out of the discussion — and this is coming from a person who made his living talking politics — you find that people are just people, and you can’t hate them. I constantly say it, you can hate Trump. You can’t hate all the people who like him — it’s half the country."